
Name: Pidgins
Members: Milo Tamez, Aaron With
Interviewee: Milo Tamez
Nationalities: American (Aaron), Mexican (Milo)
Occupations: Sound artist (Aaron), drummer, percussionist (Milo)
Current release: Pidgins's Refrains of the Day, Volume 1 is slated for release on October 29th 2023 via Lexical. First single "Data Driven" is out now.

If you enjoyed this Pidgins interview and would like to find out more about the duo and their music, visit their official homepage. They are also on Instagram.

[Read our Aaron With interview about Sound]

"Drums are the most ancestry instruments for expression and communication of human feelings, sense and spiritual level.

The shell and membranes in a drum generates quality resonance and frequencies natural to the human body (shaman practices of Mexican indigenous traditions and African healers). The body is a drum, a tympanic resonator which senses everything around it. Drums and some percussions tune in with certain vibrational ratios of the body meridians; they align with it.

Crystal and metal elements are also ancestry elements on Earth. It was revealed to primal humans for so many natural needs in evolution and in every continent; and we indeed evolved thanks to those “tools” and in the ways we manage to manipulate them to our service. What attracted primal aborigines in earliest times to a stone or wood was their inner resonance, it created a healing force which irresistible attracts them to it; and that is still happening today (what has happened in our times is that we primal separate from our embodied experiences).  

When we hear, and our body senses, within a specific vibrational frequency, we may tune in and get tuned in with that particular state; we must be aware of what frequency we are in and how we want to utilize certain vibrational source for healing purposes; just like acupuncture does.

When we think, we are generating an incredible amount of frequencies traveling at the speed of light, creating multiple connections and nets of neural responses in our brain web, so our nervous system adjust and adapt to this simple thought we are having; some thoughts are healing too and some are not; the same goes with the sounds we create with percussion: Some may turn into a healing mode while others could even create a kind of toxic environment for the body, our emotions and our minds.  

A drummer / percussionist is a healing force in its more natural potential. But as a sound therapist he / she must know and understand how those diverse elements within percussive vibration work on the body, what the percussive manifesting emissions in place is doing to the spirit and changing or aligning within the mind; and so how specific frequencies and dynamism resonates in a healing way to the body.

Just as any other healing work, it is not just the instruments and knowledge we use - but the ways and the clear intentionality we have in using them."